Tuesday, July 21, 1998


A man makes a picture, a moving picture. 
Through light projected he can see himself up close.
A man captures color, a man likes to stare. 
He turns his money into light to look for her.

- Thank You and Goodnight -
This is not goodbye for the Minefield; don't worry.

I have ceased updates in order to devote the maximum time possible to my movie. Also, since this page has maintained one of the best reputations in Subspace for constant and usually daily updating, it is important to me that I place that on an official hiatus; the alternative would be the same page as before only with less content. Better to simply put the page on hold for now. I assure you that as soon as I have settled into a reasonable editing schedule, in the weeks following the completion of principle photography, this page will return to its form as a reliable source of information, opinion, and sword rattling.

I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this page's success during its first cycle--all of you who read it so often and make it satisfying to write and maintain, and those who have encouraged me or contributed material, but especially Cybrid and Omicron who really put it on the map. Also to those who have sent me pieces for the Minefield Weekly so that I can keep this place interesting while I am unable to write it myself.

Please visit the Minefield Weekly.

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