Wednesday, July 1, 1998

Ns. Dy.™

Sn Jy 1998.
Ns. Dy.™
Thump click clickclickclick thumpa thumpa beep beep clickbeep repeat.

- Trixter Responds -
This morning I asked Trixter about the allegations of threats made by him against WiZT...
    No, there was no threats.  That interview was not all my comments, and even the
    ones I did were edited and twisted.  I was speaking off the record completely, and
    he posted it and edited it.  I asked them to take it down.
I must apologize for my rude tone in the previous story, which gave all benefit of the doubt to WiZT and GreyCloak and was unfair to Trixter. It was poor form and I have only left it unedited because I don't want to seem as though I am trying to conceal the remarks. I will keep the interview up today because it is part of a news story, but it will go down tomorrow out of courtesy to Trixter and because I have not been threatened in any way. Mind you, I am not discounting WiZT's version of events, which may well be truthful. 

- Ae! -
Here ends my yearly-or-so week long ramble and fawning session over Autechre in anticipation of their newest release. I have the new album, it is awesome, and I am happy. It is weird and perhaps over-intellectual, like a set of etudes for digital samplers. I am personally a little disappointed in it because I love Ae primarily for the atmospheres they create, and in the course of their increasingly experimental development they have lost a great deal of that atmosphere. Then again, the album is basically flawless. It tinkers and folds and mazes into itself like a psychotic's puzzle box, but at the same time it is funky and entertaining and kind of creepy. I can't say it's their best album, but I have to admit its near there on the list. It's probably not for beginners. Earlier works such as Amber and Incunabula are prettier and not nearly as neurotically constructed.
 - The Infamous Trixter Interview -
As reported by GreyCloak on his scribblingspage at Subspace Maxig Com, WiZT's recent interview with Trixter, in which Trixter first publicly fantasized about purchasing Subspace from VIE, was removed from Subspace.Net due to legal threats allegedly made by Trixter against WiZT. Way to go, Subspace.Net. Caving to pressure and censoring your own page before it has even officially opened is a great way to build a reputation for hard-edged journalism. ;) Then again, wouldn't we all have done the same thing?
  I'll get to that in a minute.
  This article was almost lost forever, actually. Articles referencing it mysteriously vanished from both Subspace Maxig Com and SubspacePCGaming Com. When I loaded the old url in hopes of retrieving the interview from my Netscape cache, instead of a bad url I found a sort of "retraction" page--WiZT's inevitable response to being threatened by a rich American who is probably twice his age. (No disrespect meant to WiZT.)  An anonymous posting to the Trashboard had been reset by the time I looked there. WiZT, for his part, had accidentally deleted the interview from his own hard drive.
  God bless my 100 meg NS cache directory and Windows 95's funky search utility. I managed to find the interview after all. The Minefield bends over for no man or god. Here it is.
- News.Txt Articles Page Is Up -
Cybrid has in almost no time at all pulled together a set of guest editorials for Subspace Warzone Com which ranks as the best this game has seen. I can't get my friends to be this prolific for me, yet Cyb has people from all over the map writing quality pieces for him. Most notable among these are Apollo 18's editorials. Not to suggest that Apollo's board posts have been useless or unthoughtful, but considering his reputation for abbrasive trash talk, rudeness, and not pulling one single punch ever since he was born, I am amazed at the compassion, insight, and restraint showing up in his writing. With all the hype and noise surrounding the recent openings of new pages, don't overlook these articles. All that work put into html design, funky graphics, etc, and here comes this little page full of text and contributes far more to the game in a much shorter span of time. The best thing to happen to Subspace since players started running War Zone.
Cybrid'sOp-Ed Page

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