The Dolly Homesteading Project

The Sheeprush is an experimental community map building project running weekdays in the Sheep Cloning Facility, also known as SSCX SCF West. The SCF has traditionally been a zone for tests and special events, but with these increasingly taking place in their own zones it is time again to make the SCF main arena a fun place to just screw around.

The premise of the Sheeprush is simple. The map is divided up into sixteen areas, each claimed by a player or organization. Whoever owns the area gets to build just about whatever they want on it. Eventually a system will be set up for rotating territory so that latecomers can contribute something. Or maybe we'll just cram everyone in. :)


3 . 23 . 2000 - Slight Return

Please don't put soccer goals in your bases unless they are inaccessible decorations. That is, it must be impossible to score a goal there. I am open to expanding the powerball game outside of the middle corridor but it needs to be done in a way that is fair to both teams and doesn't allow people to make easy goals.

Be careful not to make closed areas where a flag or ball could spawn and get stuck. It is best to fill these with solid black tile as this reduces screen lag, but you can use flyunder tiles if it's important that stars be seen through there.

Obviously, doing this will ruin drawings and words, etc. If you must draw or write something, either use flyover tiles or leave a small (2 tile wide) entrance to the closed space.

I will be uploading the map around 8:00pm EST tomorrow night to avoid a conflict with the WZ event that is scheduled an hour later in SSPG Warzone West. Please get your bases to me by tomorrow afternoon at the latest, even if they are not tiled, etc, so that I have time to finalize the map before it goes up.

3 . 23 . 2000

There are still a few spots left if anyone wants to snap one up. Most of the good seats are taken, but then again some of the first people to contact me asked for less traveled areas around the edges, so who knows.

Whatever you are making--bases, arenas, space junk, whatever--it would be nice if I could get them from you tomorrow so that the map can go up Friday night. If people need more time than that, or need help with whatever they are working on, it is better to let me know than to simply be AWOL when Friday comes around.

As a rule, it is a good idea to keep your map areas playable and not easily defended. The last thing you want is to enter the zone with some friends and be unable to take control of your own territory becuase you have given it such a strong defensive advantage that a few lamers can successfully camp in it indefinitely. It's best to keep your tunnels no narrower than 6 tiles and your doorways no narrower than 4, at a bare minimum, and there should always be two ways into your base plus some room for people to fly around in.

Or go ahead and just make a super zone rat-maze. See if I give a damn. :)

I do intend to keep the powerball game in the center, but if someone wants to make bases or other goal areas for this purpose I am willing to look at them, as long as they are either symmetrical or very carefully balanced.

3 . 18 . 2000

This page will be updated soon with more information on this little experiment. In short, there are 16 plots of "land" (i.e. space) on the map. If any are left, you may register one. You may do with it what you wish as long as you don't abandon it and don't fill it with so many tiles that you crash people's clients when they fly through it. ;)

In order to reserve a space for yourself, your squad, your organization, or whatever you must mail me with information about what you intend to do with you spot. Plans that promote a fun environment for everyone to play in will be given some favor, but otherwise it's first come, first serve.

From time to time you may need to fight to keep your land, so that everyone has a chance. But we'll get into that later. Check back here for more info as I get this together. 

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