Sunday, February 27, 2000

The Mapfolio to End All Mapfolios

<Coventry> Still, without the ship sinking, no movie made, no getting to see kate winslet's tit.
It's not going to stop 'til you wise up.


Well, I told myself I would not let two weeks pass and there I went and did it. Sorry. I do have an excuse though, sort of, that excuse being that I was winding up to the end of school. I am finished now, so I will either have more time to spend on this page and other idle pursuits or less, depending on whether my education actually pays off or was merely a first step on my journey into obscurity. ;)

It helps that I've totally lost interest in both Subspace and Infantry and have been playing Counter-Strike almost exclusively for the last month. (The only exception being TeamFortress Classic; how's that for an exception?) I have actually made my long awaited leap into editing for 3D games and will probably be cranking out some maps for various Half-Life permutations sometime soon. Which reminds me that GiGaKiLLeR, probably the last active SVS mapper for Subspace other than myself and anna-puma, has been getting hardcore into mapping for Quake III Arena. I've not seen his work yet because I lack drivespace to reinstall the game, but will be making space for that soon and getting back to y'all with some highly biased reviews. ;)

And speaking of reviews, Map Vault is obviously quite dead. At least grant me credit that I finally got around to declaring a state of hiatus there. I never intended to be the only writer for the page and would gladly accept any competent help if anyone out there is interested. That aside, it will probably be only a few more days before I restart work on the page.


I posted a questionnaire to the Hyperspace forums at the HS Dock. If you're interested in mapping for the game, or in the effects the mapping scene will inevitably have on the game's general health, have a trip over there and chime in. The server is usually down because the host sucks, so keep that in mind and check back later if so.

All Out War

I played Subspace today for the first time since the final Slayfest took place at the end of January, and aside from the fact that I have decided ALL NON-SVS ZONES SUCK SHIT, much fun was nevertheless had by all concerned at the kickoff of Black Cobra's new event series, All Out War. I wasn't really expecting a whole lot but was happy to have a somewhat progressive event to go to run by someone other than me (heh) and was pleasantly surprised by how well it was run and by the number of people who showed up. I spent the entire night vulching and otherwise laming, but there's nothing like a good minerep to bring honor to a game, right? ;)

This event series is unique in that it doesn't inhabit any one zone but will be invading different zones each week. This week's event was in SSIA Dooms Day, which I had not been in before. (Nice map there, a little laggy but generally a nice area to fly in.) The next one will be in SSCE NuMuS. Oh, did I mention I owned the little bitches 9 to 1 during the pball game and Evaugh didn't even bother mentioning it on the henceforth-unlinked NMEbase? Screw you Evaugh. :P

The Mapfolio to End All Mapfolios

I've pretty much retired from mapping for Subspace and am working on a final mapfolio for the game. If anyone has last minute requests, this is your final warning. ;) Going through my directories I was actually quite surprised by just how obsessive I've been about this game over the last three years. Shit, I made a LOT of maps. Anyway so it may take some time polishing them all and finishing up the stragglers, but when I'm done there will be a nice big resource in the mapping section here for anyone wanting to use them. Meanwhile, I may be working on some other aspects of that section so have a look in there sometime soon.

See you in two weeks. :P

By the way . . .
Thanks much to OneIFreak for the new title image, one of my favorites so far.

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