Saturday, March 18, 2000

We're going to miss you when you're gone.

<Oswaldo> Why not build one super ship that has thousands of weapons and can take out any ships ever? 

Here's a mirror with your name on Saying, 
"We're going to miss you when you're gone."

Lameness I don't have a whole lot to say right now, but I want to be on record here about this, because I would not want anyone in this community to feel about me the way I now feel about the DS98 staff. I did not know about the DS98 hoax and was in no way a part of it. Nor do I feel like the victim of a good natured prank, I only feel betrayed. But I do have a lot to say, actually. This was not a funny or cute stunt; it was designed to make people sad and to force all of us to reflect on how important and valuable and wonderful DS98 has been. Maybe this is a joke to some people; it is not a joke to anyone who is dedicated to this game and loves it. DS98 faked a grotesque and cruel appeal to the Subspace community's sense of abandonment and desperation, and abused the tendency towards nostalgia that is inevitable in a community where things seem always to be in some way deteriorating or vanishing. But what's most disturbing about this whole stunt is the fact that it seems no one even considered the impact it might have. Half a year ago, I participated in a practical joke that Peasant's Paladin revived from Warstrike's more obscure historical archives. The motive was less base; we smiply wanted an intrigue to get people curious and maybe make a few of them laugh. The issue was less serious; it involved rumors that a bunch of news sites were making up stories just to have something to post. The story was carefully built up over the period of a week, with PP or myself being careful to let people in on the joke if it appeared to upset them. In all ways, this stunt, although arguably as inconsiderate and ill conceived as the present one, was less ugly and less harmful. Its result? The angry departure of Ghost Ship from the Subspace Council. He stayed away for three months, and it took more than a little negotiating to bring him back into the fold. This was a bad thing for Subspace all around. It hurt a number of important efforts, and it temporarily hamstringed the Council's status as a productive and influential body. Why, pray tell, did we not learn from this incident? Ghost Ship has thick skin and a lot of character. How many players among us have thinner skin? And how many of those players are less tolerant of this kind of bullshit than I am, and less addicted to the game, but far more crucial to its operation and spirit? Quite a few. I wouldn't be surprised if we lost a few of them yesterday. Say a little prayer that we did not. Sheepy Wonderland Here's something. I spent a few hours distracted by this horseshit while I should have been concerning myself with tomorrow's event. I'll bounce back, but I guarantee today's opening game of the series will be less tight and less robust than it could have been. Is this my own fault for allowing myself to become wrapped up in this? Sure, why not. Then again, everyone in this game is a human being, and I'd wager all of them who work to keep the game fun and fresh might as easily be distracted (or perhaps even devastated) by what's happened. No hard feelings to anyone out there. It's just that it's been a while since I was played for a sucker by friends. And I don't like seeing my peeps treated that way either. Word to the motherfucker, as they say. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, start all over again. Well, then. Here goes nothing. The event The first ever Sheepy Wonderland kicks off at 1:00pm Eastern time today. Don't miss it because it's going to be smooth and funky, and don't be late because the games aren't going to last five and six hours this time. But if you're late, come anyway, and if you have a friend who hasn't half a clue bring him anyway. Everyone's welcome and we'll accomodate anybody who wants to play. I'll have some information in the news.txt by then, or check Thursday's news here if you like. The short of it: elimination matches and warball. A few new maps, a few old ones, and it'll all come down to the SCF's patented Last Gasp Match. Next week the winners and losers add up their victories and build a fort with the spoils. Meanwhile, come an hour early and see what's going to happen to the Sheep Cloning Facility soon...

<einexile> i <einexile> am <einexile> going <einexile> to <einexile> wring <einexile> his <einexile> scrawny <einexile> neck <berrie> lol <berrie> if i squint my eyes at what you said it looks like the dragon from adventure 
"This world never stops" you said 
"This wonder never leaves - The time will never come to say goodbye" 
"This tide never turns" you said 
"This night never falls again - these flowers will never die" 

A dark day indeed St. Patrick's Day 2000 WTMFH Well if you haven't seen or heard the news already, brace yourself. DS98 is dead without warning and has been wiped from the face of the Earth. I have nothing to say about this at the moment except that I am disgusted by the suddenness and totality of it, and frankly pretty pissed at everyone involved. More later. Guess it was time to get back to work after all. For starters, here's a download link for 1.35 if anyone needs it.

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