Sunday, April 2, 2000

2 April 2000

<Ashen> this coffee tastes funny 
<Ashen> it's hazelnut or something 
<ift> famous last words At least you know you were taken by a pro. 

Fine - I suck 
I don't have the energy to actually do an April Fools day this year, and if I did I wouldn't share it with you people.

Sorry. :P Read last year's page or something.

Sheepy stuff over for now In light of the unprecedented lack of interest in what is presently going on at SCF, it's over. Maybe I'll bring it back at some point if there's any call for it. Meanwhile I'm going to be making an actual zone out of the place for a change.

Oh yeah The date at the top of this page is wrong, obviously. Stupid shit I keep backspacing over things, so I'm not actually going to write this story because I don't want to sound mean or discouraging. Just read the Squad Wars advertisement on Subspace.Net and the USD server bank alert on Subspace HQ, and imagine me jumping up and down on them until they bleed from all ten holes while at the same time trying not to personally attack XDOOM or dude22, or SSNet...and that's pretty much what I keep backspacing over.

No offense XDOOM and dude22. The Squad Wars event was clean but disappointing and the SSNet post is simply false, and the USD zones may be dear to some people's hearts but threatening to take them down is no way to earn a player base.

SilentDragon fires Ducky 
You thought the extreme outer fringe of Subspace culture ended with cheaters and late night ICQ love-ins?

Well you've got another thing coming.

Remember SilentDragon? Remember Ducky? Ever been to SheepCloning.Com?

Probably not. Well, SilentDragon just fired Ducky from his news posting job at SheepCloning.Com.

Why? Because he has never posted news to the page. And now, lo and behold, the page is gone.

Coincidence? I think not! This has something to do with Subspace HQ, but you probably guessed that, didn't you.

Subspace Planet Rude Awakening refused to leave me alone until I linked Subspace Planet again.

I'm not going to say anything more about it, because if I get started on the subject of RedMyst and An Awesome Guy, there's no telling where that might go.

The messageboard It had to happen sooner or later. I figured now was as good a time as any.
Merdoc at the mighty GA set this up for me. Thanks man!

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