Monday, October 2, 2000

I guess I'm back.

<berrie> he's 90% bullshit and 10% honest mistake

Close your eyes, touch your mouth in the mirror -
That's the wound that is made where the past meets the future.

Don't even ask.

I guess I'm back.
Once again, I didn't realize so much time had passed. Kind of a lousy week offline, in many ways. Nothing monstrous, just general lousiness all around. Online, it seems Infantry is in a bit of a hard place due to all this. That's sad, but Infantry will be fine. The rest of GameFan will not be, and as much as my heart goes out to those who didn't know better than to lie down with dogs, I have to say this. Today is a good day.

So what now?
Since I'm actually playing Subspace recently, maybe I'll get back to this a little more often. Or not. You never know. Let it be known however that I decided about an hour ago the Minefield will indeed see a Year Four. Unless I change my mind.

The good old SCF is slowly becoming an actual zone, with a tiny but slowly growing population. I could use some help with this. What say you?

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