Thursday, October 5, 2000

Scenarios, scenarios, and more scenarios

<petvirus> Anybody know HTML? Hyperspace needs a new lead programmer . . .

Maybe you'll think of me, when you are all alone.
Maybe the one who is waiting for you
will prove untrue - then what will you do?
Maybe you'll sit and sigh, wishing that I were near,
then maybe you'll ask me to come back again -
and maybe I'll say, "maybe".

Stay tuned . . .

I haven't gone anywhere. It's just that most of my Subspace involvement has been happening on a notepad lately. ;)

Oh, and I must admit I have been playing Fallout for consistently longer stretches of time than I've ever spent in one sitting on another single player player game. Man oh man can you ever lose yourself in that game. I'm not normall much of an RPG nut, but that sucker is just epic and badass and hella fun. Yow.

Scenarios, scenarios, and more scenarios

I'm on a roll. We're going to be doing stuff in the SCF this Saturday afternoon that no one has ever seen before. I mean that, and since I've never said it before in two years of running scenarios I think you should believe me. ;) We've got a kick ass little staff and a bunch of new maps, but there's always room for more. If you'd like to help out, get in touch. More on that scenario tomorrow.

Dawn of the Dead 3

Yes, there will be one.

Since the original event has been more or less made into a subarena of Star Warzone, the focus of this year's special Halloween event at the Sheep Cloning Facility will be a brand new scenario. It's always best to keep things fresh and original, anyhow. No details on that just yet but I'm aiming for genuine-scary this time as opposed to stupid-scary. Of course, we'll have a healthy dose of stupid-scary as well, with a new spin on the old zombie scenario.

For new players not yet familiar with our lame customs, Dawn of the Dead is a yearly (so far) Halloween game originally thunk up to commemorate the predicted demise of Virgin Interactive Entertainment's then-dominant Subspace servers on Halloween of 1998. In it, helpless human players struggle to stay alive against an ever-increasing onslaught of slow, invincible undead. In the end, the last remaining player is hunted like a dog, and we eat his flesh while he is still alive and screaming for his mother, then we pronounce him the winner of the game. Don't worry, it'll all make sense when the time comes.

And then there's Turf Zone

I wasn't going to say much about this, but since someone has been going around Subspace spreading outright lies about what happened and what's going to happen, a response is warranted.

No one has "stolen" a zone from anyone. I took over control of SSCE Turf Arizona with the full blessing and cooperation of its server administrator. The previous sysop had secured hosting on the premise that decisions for the zone would be voted upon by a coalition of eight Turf losers including GiGaKiLLer, FlippMode, Xalimar, hydro, Divine.216, Era, and myself. After hosting was taken care of, this eigth member proceeded to make changes to the zone without consulting any of the other seven.

I want to be very clear about one thing, because the respect and loyalty I have for the people who administer servers in this game has been questioned, and I take that far more seriously than any nonsense about who should or should not run whatever zone. It's been alleged that after I was granted sysop powers, I used them to remove access for the other sysops. This is NOT the case, and the person making these claims knows it. Passwords for FTP, web support, and *sysop were made at the administrative level - not by me.

As things stand now, all eight members have equal say in how the zone operates,

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