Monday, November 20, 2000

Sue me

<pl0k> i want to be part of a subculture
<pl0k> i feel that i'm missing out

Jesus will be in agony until the end of the world.
There can be no resting in the meantime.

N e w s  o f  t h e  D a y
20 November 2000

Sue me
I've been wathing MSNBC way to much. As my reward I got a cold. Also, Final Fantasy IX came out and I'm learning to breakdance. So there is simply NO time for Subspace.

GiGaKiLLeR, arch-kingpin of Turf Zone and one of Subspace's finest mapmakers ever, is hanging up his cartographer's tools. He'd actually retired from Subspace mapping a year or so back, but returned recently to complete some unfinished business. He has now posted what will probably be his final update to what I consider the best "mapfolio" in the game, a collection of what now amounts to 12 different maps, each archived in all its drafts and browsable by gif image. Three new ones have been added, one of which is brand new, a chaotic piece called Implode which I think I might use in SCF this weekend for a running-style flag game.

Turf Zone remains up in the air. Mainly this is my fault, but involvement by others would certainly be welcome. Get in touch if you'd like to help in the effort. We are hoping to have the zone fully modernized and ready to go by the end of the year.

While I'm on the subject of the Sheep Cloning Facility, the newly reborn All Out War event ran there this last Friday under the direction of its creator Rude Awakening. I missed it - in fact I wasn't invited - but I hear it was gobs of fun. There was no SNS2 game Saturday but we'll probably run one this coming weekend.

The new Year 4 design for this page is rolling along nicely, thanks to hedcase1 and more importantly hedcase1's uncanny ability to put up with my vague descriptions and undignified whining. There is still a slight chance I will decide not to continue this page after the first of the month, so fair warning to anyone out there who might be concerned. I think this is going to work out. We'll see if I can handle the content side of things in a way that doesn't spoil the fun.

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