Saturday, December 2, 2000

It's all good, boys.

It's all good, boys.
How did I manage to give so many people the impression that I am quitting? I thought I made it pretty clear over the last few days that I am anything but. Just give me a few more days and I'll have things rolling again, that's a promise. The design aside, I'm getting off to a slow start here otherwise because I came down with a nasty cold over the weekend, and you know what that means. That's right, endless hours of incredibly lame lightsaber dueling in Jedi Knight. I'm tempted to give the Space Police a makeover into a JK clan, except for the minor problem that no one else plays that poor old game. Actually, that's not quite true, as a decent number of people play it on The Zone, decent at least for a 1997 FPS game. There's a badass map out there called Duel of the Fates, perfect for falling repeatedly to your death. And there's nothing quite like watching a sabre-wielding C3PO fall into a bottomless pit.

I can still ramble with the best of them, but I'll be separating that stuff out into its own section from now on. Once the proper page is up the separation will make a bit more sense visually, and no, I won't be abandoning the quotations. To kick things off I have a cool interview with Pointman, which should shed some light on the history and inner workings of one of Subspace's oldest and best zones. In general, expect more of a focus on the people, both past and present, who've make this game what it is.

That's not to say this will become an interview site, but my hope is that with each update, once I've gotten the day's chip off my shoulder in the pithy section up yonder, the main area of the page will be a sizeable feature you can sink your teeth into. Sometimes an interview, sometimes a review or editorial or maybe a history lesson or player profile. There'll be news, but if so then it'll be an article and not just a blurb. In the past this page has often filled a role that is now well filled by other pages staffed by more, and more closely involved, members of the community. To keep this page unique, and to keep it honest, it's best now that I recognize this mostly vacant niche, to make it my own.

I've seldom said this before, but I say it now and from now on, and mean it. Your submissions are welcome, and indeed I mean to make them a part of the regular content here. Get in touch.

I have not destroyed the old page, and won't. For now, you can access it at

Pointman interview tomorrow. Don't miss it.

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