Sunday, December 3, 2000

SubSpace: A Lamers Guide 0.9

SubSpace: A Lamers Guide 0.9

Welcome to the SubSpace Lamers Guide! In this document you will find out about the many lame things you can do in SubSpace.

1. Compulsive Bursting
2. Vulching (Long-Lange Bombing)
3. Neg Killing
4. Neg Hunting
5. The Neg that shot a lvl1 gun
6. Suicide Runners
7. Spectators
8. Mining
9. Unessary Killing (War Zone)
10. Turrets/Swarming

Compulsive Bursting requires alot of greens, and no skill.
Compulsive Bursters are basically people that do almost nothing but Burst, they are usually found in Tunnel systems and corners.
Vulching, otherwise known as Long-Range bombing, requires a 100 bty ship, and a small amount of skill, and a Levi is usually the choice for this activity.
Vulchers are people that stay away from the action and fire bombs from a distance into a crowd of people, or they just fire them off randomly. Vulching is extremely lame in the Running Zone, but then again everything is lame when you kill a Red ;)
Neg Killing requires almost no skill, and a desently greened ship, the Spider is usually the choice for Neg Killers.
Definition of a Neg: A Neg is a player that has bounty below 20 (30 if your generous).
Neg Killers are people that go around to all the players below 20 bty and kill them. There is multiple techniques for Killing Negs, the most popular is using the Spider... with lvl3 guns, No Multi (turned off if they have it) they decloak next to the neg and shoot his ass off, this requires a little skill, another popular method is to fire bombs then recloak. Although i think it is sometimes funny when an entire Group of Spiders decloak around the Neg, not even shooting it, just 5 or so Spiders sitting around a neg, hehe.
Neg Hunting is a step up from Neg Killing, its just if the Neg runs the person pursues the Neg until it is dead (or in some lucky cases the Neg Hunter gets bored) This requires a small amount of skill, just to get the bomb on target (like i said, a small amount).
This is a story about the Neg that fired the lvl1 guns....
It was a dark night in the Chaos Zone, the Newly spawned neg was lost in the maze that is Chaos Zone. On his radar he saw a high bounty player, he immediately followed the 178bty player. The Neg followed him down the tunnels, and finnaly to a dead end. The Neg by this time had 7 bty with Bouncing Bullets. He thought that the lvl1s might be enough to kill the 178bty player, if they bounce off the end wall... he started firing. The other player saw these lvl1 guns raining down on him... he laughed at the neg and said: "Hehe, Silly Neg" and the neg was turned into a green "Thanx 4 the Green!".
As you can see these are the Silly Negs, the ones that deserve a Neg Kill or 2. Being a Silly Neg requires a little skill (if he wants to stay alive) and less than 30 bty. And if the neg happens to kill a player with the lvl1 guns he obviously had Luck on his side.
Suicide Runners do nothing but Run into the NME bases (War Zone) and steal flags, they usually quit the game as well.
This is not lame IF *The same team keeps winning OVER AND OVER AND OVER (at least 5 times in a row) OR *If the NMEs base you are running into is the ReDS base ;)
Spectators are only lame in Running Zone and War Zone really. It requires absolutely NO SKILL and is a lame way of aquiring flags.
All Specs do is sit back and watch, they look for the flags or the People holding the flags, then they tell their team to attack the site where the flags are.
Mining is both Lame and Skillful, the miners i personnaly think are a little lame, if all they do is mine i mean but if they go off killing people while their mines are left where they put them, i think that is ok.
Miners require certain skills: Luck and Knowledge of where the good mining spots are. Mining is lame mostly in Running Zone, in War Zone it is usually used to protect your base, and in Chaos Zone it is a frequent practise.
This is not that lame, the least lame on this list.
War Zone is for flag games, not killing other players like Chaos Zone, this is why it is lame.
These guys just kill people (negs included) all over the War Zone, they dont care about making base raids, they just want kills War Zone is for flagging if u want to kill people go to Chaos Zone.

This is actually the least lame thing on the list, its just that the Turrets really piss me off :) Swarming is basically the same but they are not all on the same ship, sometimes there are multiple Turrets in the swarm.
The lame thing about this, is if the Turret/Swarm goes after one player that is less than 50bty it is a bit lame, they dont stand a chance. I love getting a mine field then frawing the Turret into the mines, Think of Turrets as one big easy kill, this is why Swarming is more dangerous, they are not all grouped together.
Super Teams are also little lame, although they require alot of skill and teamwork (all pub freqs cry out "TEAMWORK?!") :)

This concludes the Lamers guide to SubSpace.
Made by: USS Romulan-B and All you lamers out there :) Special Thanx to the SubSpace team for making a GREAT game, but unfortunatley the lamers described here spoil it for everyone.
This Document does not reflect many of the personal opinions of the creators ;)

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