Sunday, January 28, 2001

January 2001

<cov\nap> goddamned aaa members "I'm by exit b3" they are *25* MILES FROM B3.
<kenta> lol
<einexile> hey if i ever break down can i ask for you?
<cov\nap> no
<cov\nap> you are in the domain of the auto club of southern california
<cov\nap> may god have mercy on your soul

Throw your mind away, fall into the sea.
There's nothing solid here. Dissolve your body today.

N e w s  o f  t h e  D a y
28 January 2001

It turns out Allegiance is doing alright.

For some reason I stopped playing the only other massive multiplayer action game (duck) around the end of the Summer. I think it was Fallout that did the deed. Recently I'd been thinking of returning, but repeated checks of MSN Gaming Zone showed there to be precious few people actually playing the game. For some reason, what used to be a fairly accurate reflection of the game's popularity is now worthless, as matches lasting two and three hours - often maxing out above 80 players - continue to happen on an almost daily basis.

Slight problem: I can't really remember how to play the damned thing. Guess that's in the nature of a good game, eh. There is other interesting stuff on the massiveness horizon, although I often wonder if there are many people left in Subspace who'd care. It's worth mentioning. Despite unfortunate statements by its developers implying an heavy emphasis on instant gratification, I have hope for Planetside. However, Verant recently issues a partial list of team members, and my theory that members of the original Subspace team may be involved has so far proven wrong. Nevertheless I look forward to a battle played out between so many people and over such apparently tremendous territory for an action game.

By contrast, we have Star Ware Galaxies. I'd been looking forward to this until I learned the other day that, unless I've made a terrible mistake, any fat fuck is going to be able to become a Jedi. To wit: "Our system," claims the FAQ, "is designed to allow the casual player, as well as the hardcore player, the opportunity to become a Jedi." Thank you assholes for ruining Star Wars. I was so hoping to become one of the most feared warriors in the galaxy on two hours a night. I am shallow and boring and cannot appreciate the experience of being frightened of other players in a game. The internet exists to make me feel like a badass for $10 a month.

Let's hope Sierra has a dagger up their sleeve in a big way. I'm guessing that if they do it might just have something to do with this.

I like writing about this sort of nonsense. I think I'll keep it up. You know I love Subspace and everything, but if I've got to wait another six months before I can open a door with a switch a la any other game circa 1994 and on, I think the frustration is going to kill me. Maybe that's why I've started playing Subspace more often in recent months: I've given up on trying to make it something it's not.

Good Lord, the infamous and horrific Mackieman has p1mpx0rd the infamous and horrific Cafe Eblana. Just do me a big favor and stay the hell out, k? ;P

By the way, it was in fact Mackie who talked me into getting off my fat ass and returning some of my idbound attention to this page, so thanks and shouts out to him for that, with a grudging runner-up award directed at conspiracy theory.

Sorry for not posting relevant links for Planetside and Allegiance. I'll try and use actual sources in the future rather than rely on vague memories formed at 3:00am during angry webflipping sessions. Speaking of which, did you know about this?

<SoSD> I like Windows 2000 too. If only it liked all the other things I like.

Close your eyes, touch your mouth in the mirror --
that's the wound that is made where the past meets the future.

N e w s  o f  t h e  D a y
27 January 2001

Hmm . . .
I guess I don't have a whole hell of a lot of time.

The DSL is broken again, for probably the 20th time since I first got it a year and a half ago. Verizon is a good company to deal with but I do not envy their task of doing support and maintenance of what appears to be innately an amazingly unstable and unreliable system.

The sound of a 56k modem makes me want to claw my eyes out. I'd remove it and install the old 33.6 if I could find it.

By law I have to watch Saturday Night Live now, or I'll miss the anomalous good writing and talented cast which occurs only once every twelve years.

What game was this page about again? :P

<repvblic> every teenager should be issued a copy of seasons in the abyss

You're packing a suitcase for a place none of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen

N e w s  o f  t h e  D a y
26 January 2001

Heeerrrrre's Johnny!
Bush won, the Millennium started twelve months and twenty-six days ago, and fuck you if you disagree.

God help me, I'm going to update this page today.


Okay so

To make a long story short, the new design was basically finished, but in its present state, because I never really know what the hell it is I want, it was basically amounting to increase my confusion and clutter when its only purpose was to decrease those things.

I've never actually moved explicitly from one computer to another, and when I did so recently I experienced a creeping but intense feeling of disorientation. It was as though I had moved away from Subspace, in the same way that one moves away from one's favorite cafe. It might be only five more blocks to walk there, but strangely you find yourself never going. Here I was with Subspace and ICQ installed on this thing for over a week, and I for some reason couldn't get used to the idea of opening them. Subspace and ICQ were part of the other computer. Maybe if I'd had the sense to spring for that extra monitor this would not have been so much of a problem. Instead I again found myself lying on the expert couch of einexile the psychologist.

There's also the minor consideration that I'm hopelessly addicted to Quake III Team Arena. Jesus what an amazing game. Combine some of the best deathmatch ever with the more considered pacing of Tribes, a smooth interface and none of the pretentious intellectual bullshit that drags down most team games - throw in something like fifteen of the best CTF maps ever made; I had to check the credits to see if some new amazing talent had joined up, but no - it's all just good ol' Willits, Xian, and Jaquays, at the tip top of their form for some of the most fun and varied level designs I've ever seen. Amazing. All that and the music, for once, is honestly good - reasonably sohpisticated stuff and compatible with the gameplay. Game of the year easy.

So anyway it will happen eventually, this redesign, but not any time soon - and not until I am personally capable of maintaining and modifying it without needing to open up a book on web authoring. Until that's the situation I'd rather work with something I'm comfortable with.

As for Subspace
Part of the reason I haven't been updating much is I have very little to say about this game and I know very little about other games. Since this isn't going to change and no one seems much to care, I think I'll just plan on that being the case from now on.

And speaking of Subspace
Read over at Subspace HQ that thje immortal OneIFreak, best known for being the only member of the Mapmakers Guild who makes maps, has produced yet another of his gorgeous Subspace shipsets. And with this new set he has honestly outdone himself. The best thing about Onei's replacement sets is they actually look like they belong in Subspace. There are four different sets to choose from, all including the rolling files. Go have a look.

I think maybe I am gay
So I'm in the car on the freeway and this Smiths song comes on which I've never heard before, and I haven't heard the song before and The Smiths are okay with me, so I turn it up some, and Jesus, I almost have to pull over onto the shoulder for fear of losing control of the car, this song is so fucking beautiful. There Is a Light That Never Goes Out. Fine, laugh at me. You won't be laughing when you're spending the rest of eternity eye-deep in boiling shit for turning your whitebread punk nose up at the Moz.

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