Wednesday, February 7, 2001

Crazy shit

<Luse> my bridge building strategy is elite
<Luse> it's called
<Luse> fill the water with steel
<Luse> - nt -
<Sqoon> mine is even eliter. It's called "Mr Train, fucking gun it. Or else."

Nobody else here baby
No one else here to blame
No one to point the finger
It's just you and me in the rain

Crazy shit 
The quote-o-the-day seen above is a reference to the Cafe's insidious new pet game, Bridge Builder. I hate this game. And yet I'm afraid I must recommend it. You build bridges. They collapse. You try again. You're friends mock you. For some reason it still qualifies as a game. The feared and hated Eblanaites have put up a page full of successful bridge designs in an attempt to obliterate my self esteem. You can view these here. Or you can just put rocks in your pockets and walk into the sea.

Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Man oh man, what a game. I might put up some screenshots of this bad boy later on, because the ones I've seen online and in print just don't do justice to the game's beauty and scope, and certainly not to the hair raising oldskool Lucasesque action. Hmm...actually here is a good one. Also check this sucker out. Mmm. And the game plays like it looks. I hadn't been too interested for a long time because descriptions made it sound quirky, Shiny-esque, a genre bender - nut uh. It's an ass kicking, exciting, fun as hell FPS through and through. And it's god a nice fat five-mission demo that kept me busy several nights running. Can't recommend this game enough. GameSpot has the demo.


Didn't realize so much damn time had gone by. I'll do better! I promise! I haven't been doing my game reading anyway. Actually, I did read about the sickeningly condescending Dogma 2001 but spent so much time last night venting that I've nothing to say about it now. Maybe tomorrow.

You yeah 
Yall missed my krad radio show. Shows. Pacific time Noon Tuesday and 4:00am Wednesday, at - an hour and two hours respectively. Ambient music, noise, occasional bleepy beaty goodness, that sort of thing. Not much talking. You've been warned. ;) And don't call me or I'll hang up on you!

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