Tuesday, March 27, 2001

But for this night the sky is for their eyes.

<Golbez> someone look at http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/meast/03/26/saudi.pokemon/index.html
<Golbez> and tell me
<Golbez> what the FUCK is going on in that picture

    But for this night the sky is for their eyes.

Smug compsci bitches make me hot

Why is it every prick at a software store who thinks he knows everything has EXACTLY the same voice?

Ah no, Black and White's not out, that's tomorrow!

Um. Read a webpage or two sometime ya moron.

Oh well, at least I was rescued from impulse buying what is probably just yet another Populous clone.


It's funny, I haven't been playing much for a long time, as anyone who still checks this page has probably figured out, because it feels like I left Subspace on the old computer. I really need to see a shrink about this shit. I think part of it is that I wound up reinstalling ICQ which means every time I open the piece of shit I have to look at banner ads.

I have this to say about banner ads and then I'll be quiet about them for a while.

You own every dime of the revenue which has resulted from your viewing or clicking on ad banners. Someday soon take that revenue by force.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, we are coming up on my 4th Subspace birthday. I'm half-tempted to Retire® when that day rolls around next Wednesday, but I think I'll give this miserable hobby a fifth year, just for spite's sake. That, and if my departure resulted in a Council position for Rude Awakening people would probably send bombs to my house. :P

I'm changing the map in SCF to my official Monster in a Box™ - a monstrosity which I began in June of 1998, now in its 28th draft. May the Good Lord bless you all with fear of the unknown, for the unknown is the very living heart of badness and suffering.

Anyway, it'll go up in a few days, so the few dozen fans of Pleiades had better come and pay their last respects, or at least their last-for-a-while respects.

Platinum halo (I refused to spell his name correctly, sorry man) has started up a new Slayfest series. It began this last Sunday, but I think he forgot to tell anyone, and that no one told no one and so on and so on. Maybe this weekend the word will get out a little better and the game will amount to something more interesting. Not that the last one sucked or anything; there just weren't many people.

Oh yeah, something about SSCX being cut off from the rest of the world. Oh yes, I remember. GOOD RIDDANCE! Long live the Xalic Axis and to blazes with the rest of y'all.

Hey, this turned out pretty well. At the rate I'm going I should have something nice to say in time for the one year anniversary of Hyperspace's official release date. ;)

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