Thursday, April 26, 2001

How do I know what I mean until I see what I say?

    <repvblic> every teenager should be issued a copy of seasons in the abyss

    Can't wait any longer
    To see what you see
    When I look at the world

N e w s  o f  t h e  D a y
26 April 2001

How do I know what I mean until I see what I say?
C.M. Forester said that, not me. It's odd how verbose I can be when not updating my own damned webpage. I've been all over the Cosmic Rift boards lately. There's a lot going on with that game and a lot that needs to be addressed, including a few disappointments.

I'm going to keep this update small because I am neurotic about the midnight thing. Hopefully will have something a little more in depth up tomorrow sometime, but there's something important I want to mention here, which is that they are answering the complaints about ship sizes with a new set of smaller ships which apparently go online tomorrow for public testing.

Related to this, Jeff has made the message window and the player listing transparent and easily hidden, so that almost the entire screen can now be dedicated to gameplay.

There should be an open test zone up sometime tomorrow where you can try these out. I urge everyone who gave up on CR because of these problems to give it another try with the new ships.

For now I'll stay off the subject of me objecting to this. :P

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