Saturday, January 17, 1998

A good crazy settings zone?


Yes. I have been playing in (God forgive me) ZERO Annihilation West and surprisingly enough it has grown into a really nice game, possibly the finest of the new privately run zones thus far. Not that the ranks of those have been many. Shine World and The Dark Zone come to mind. (Pure Hell does NOT.) What ZAW has going for it is a twenty flag war-style game in a good map. I recognize that I've railed on this type of map in the past--it is a patchwork of old bases, largely from T2-17's map with references to the old VIE War and Chaos maps. I'm as great a snob as the next guy, and the prospect of wacky settings and no greening becoming the standard for War Zone is the kind of thing that could keep me awake at night even later than Subspace already does. I know I'm a bit behind here, but the zone was not always this good. It's only recently that the flag game becan to work, and that's where the zone's strength lies.

  Still. As much as I favor the tradition of negs, greening, public freqs versus privates, go into Annihilation West, and...people are actually playing the game! My god, every single frequency was actually making a concerted effort to get flags and take them back to a base! Teammates attach when I call them. I fly out of an enemy base with a flag, lo and behold someone answers when I ask who is defending. Those who aren't playing the flag game aren't out looking for negs to kill or flaggers to interrupt. They are playing King of the Hill, fighting over the mass of greens lumped at the center, or carrying flags and doing Rabbit Chase. This is low stress and zero frustration. Stress and frustration are good things, but if greening and negs are such a big deal, there's no harm in offering lighter fare. If oldschool subspace is good and important, people will play it. I know I'll tire of this sooner or later and go back, just like I did before.

  Having said that much, I will say this. I haven't had this much fun playing War Zone flags in a long time. Games last hours. Tonight I think the flag game lasted nearly three hours once. This was not a standoff between two superfreqs but a series of invasions between several flag holding teams. For most of the game, four teams had flags.

  Two more points worth noting. Unrelated entirely.

One. I love brick wars. It's so rare in this game that you find yourself bricking up entrances, pushing back fronts, fighting across walls. The last really good brick war I played was back in July, when Sheep Cloning Facility was opened to the public and INXS II's Rebels vs. Alliance scenario with its massive once-entrance bases were fought over by super powered ships. This was my first experience with wacky settings so maybe there is some sentimental value there, but I think more likely it's the rarity of this sort of conflict, the dynamic created when teammates have to constantly be replenishing the bricks at the door while fighting off enemy efforts to cross bricks into the doorway, all the while watching your back for warp-ins or that cloaker who somehow slipped in.

  Two. One thing this zone has which the VIE servers were always missing, and which none of the private servers seem to have recognized the potential for up until now, is a constant updating of the news.txt and map. VIE hasn't done this at least since I started playing, and maybe this will stop on ZAW, but sooner or later I am hoping things will evolve to a point where the game is constantly changed for variety's sake and maybe maps are rotated or simply changed more often and so forth. I am looking very much forward to this.

And in the other corner...Neg Wars!

  This is an incredibly cool zone, totally the opposite of what you might think based on the title. That is, it's the opposite of Annihilation West. Maybe it's not an accepted term but I've always used "neg war" to describe instant gratification games like j12 and t20 and the map details they are situated around, i.e. Dueling Zone a1 was a great neg war. Well this zone has a different but maybe more correct use of the term. You can't green past yellow and you get very few powerups here. It's the polar opposite of Pure Hell and exactly the kind of innovative, careful tweaking this game could use after a month of wacky settings. No dirty tricks; you just hammer away at your opponent and, as the news.txt says, may the best man win. This might stink of elitism and not make for much more than an independently run Dueling Zone but for the fact that it sports a sweet and totally new Chaos style map, complete with a nice tweaked tileset. It's a little map, utilizing the middle stripe of the screen (that is, stretching from about G1 to about N20). This is run off of a cable hookup at a university and so it goes down at night. Look for it during the day.

I was busy all day long and then when I got home I became addicted to Annihilation West and so I never got around to finishing the Pocket Guide to Space Law, not that anyone cares about that anyhow. :P Speaking of which, the time has come for me to try and find out what you think of this site. Forgiving, if you please, that I've neglected it some, is it an ok page, could it use a lot of work in some places, a little in others? Would you like to see more of one thing or less of another? If you read it at all, I'd like to hear from you. If you check for updates regularly--or if you *would* check for updates regularly assuming that I *did* update regularly--please let me know how I am doing. I can use all the help and inpuit I can get, both good and bad. And as I've said previously, contributions are always welcome.

The Pocket Guide to Space Law

The Pocket Guide to Space Law is up! I'm not sure I would call it complete but it's at least half complete. If you would like to know what the Space Police are about, now is your chance! Tell your friends! Help protect Law and Order throughout the Seven Zones! :D

I have been playing a lot of War East, though. A long time ago I thought that was the most bautiful map I'd ever seen. I later became irritated with it because the big open spaces made life easy for duelers and neg killers. After Arctos' map I guess this was justifiable, because it was virtually impossible to neg kill there. It's still kind of bad in T2-17's map, but who cares. It's a kick ass piece of work just the same, and I become more and more fond of it as I play. One of my favorite things about it is the sense of its hugeness. Although more cramped than the classic War West map with the Castle and Combs and so forth, it seems larger, I think primarily because space around the edges is will utilized--something one doesn't often see in Subspace maps. A lot of good map details around the edges usually go unappreciated because there is better stuff to be done at the outskirts. T2-17 concentrated the *best* elements in the outer reaches, and the greater radius for greens makes these still more desirable. The apparent scarcity of greens in this map comes from that, I think. It's still got that neg killing problem, but if you can fly competently and you green in the asteroids, it's not too big an annoyance.

It's not that I so much mind neg killers as that I mind seeing them scare new players away to the noskill zones. Oh well.

No time to seriously play in Arctos' Chaos map. Probably no more update until tomorrow or the next day. Sorry folks. I've got work to do.

Thursday, January 15, 1998

Moolie Zone is new and tasty

Moolie Zone is new and tasty! Another tiny map a la A Small Warzone, brand new and with a little bit more haphazard an appearance to it. Nevertheless, this map kicks ass. The zone is officially a Chaos game, and it indeed plays well as Chaos. The news.txt implies a future as a War style flag game, though, and the bases are yummy. That is to say, for a small game they are. I'm not sure they will work for war because they are not easily defendable, but they are nifty and a lot of fun to defend. I believe this is run off of a 56k so there is not a whole lot going on, but one nice thing about these small zones is people in them are usually friendly, polite to their opponents, and enthusiastic about team play. Those who aren't haven't got the attention span or constitution for the zone and leave. As a result, we were fighting all over the map. One player would occupy a base and send out taunts, and soon enough all 6 or 8 players in the zone would be there fighting over territory. This might get a bit boring after a while, but there are a lot of map details worth fighting over, plus the Alpha-style floating space junk is nicely made. This is one of my favorite private zones so far. Go take a look.

A Small Warzone has gone through some changes. I'm not sure I like all of them, and there seem to be a few tiling errors here and there, but the overall result is LONG games. I spent an hour in here tonight in a nine or ten man game, fighting over only five flags. The more I play here, and the more I try to put together a small zone where I can run a 32k server, the more I realize that the bases here are really masterfully put together, and I'm noticing that tiny maps are kind of a unique art. This was something I intended to do for a long time and I'm kind of mad at myself for not beating the guy to it. Then again, I don't think it's a matter of who got there first but how damned good the map and settings are. I am starting to think this is the best zone in the entire game.

Mr. Savoy!!!! is apparently now a highly respected fixture in ZERO Annihilation West. You will excuse me if I don't bow or tip my hat. This loser spent months--maybe even half a year--as the most obnoxious superturret driver in War Zone. One day I managed to talk to him there on a civil basis and it ended up as the typical whining you might expect. No one will give me a freq! The elite players all cheat! Yeah, and preying on helpless pub negs *really* helps that problem, right? I used to get my friends together and antiwarp his little turret in safe zones, or join his frequency and ride around close-range-bombing the walls, and usually it ended up with him calling me names and then leaving the zone. Yesterday it was my pleasure to be invited to his elite frequency. It went something like this:

    Savoy> 1979
    Savoy> 1979
    Savoy> are you there???
    e> no
    Savoy> no what?
    e> no leave me alone
    savoy> fine fuck u asshole!

Jesus, the effort this guy made (once we'd gotten into it) to let me know he had eight million points and what a good flagger he is. Such a good flagger I was able to join his team and kill him while he was busy screaming at me and (of course) bitching endlessly about the snobby players in War Zone etc. who Need To Lighten Up. When we stole all his flags, true to form he left the zone without a word. I dig Annihilation a lot, but what the hell kind of a messed up person brags about their score in a zone like that one? Savoy has to be BY FAR the biggest idiot I've encountered in Subspace. It amazes me that he hasn't shown up on people's lamer lists more often. Consider his consistently dishonorable playing, add to that a virtually unequaled rudeness paired with the victimish whining, and top it off with the fact that he's not even very good. I think Savoy just about holds the title. Be sure and send me your Savoy stories, and certainly alert me if there are any challengers to his title. I sure as hell hope there aren't.

Ninja Speed Zone. I haven't actually had opportunity to play there, but the owner has made a beautiful map. It looks like it will be a fun Speed Zone map; it looks like it might also make for good War, as he said in the news.txt file. The map is based around tunnels that run between wormholes. The gravity of these wormholes jets you down the corridor at impressive speeds. Aside from these tunnels, the map is separated into bases made primarily of asteroids. This added to the unique random space objects gives the map a visual look that really has to be seen to be believed. I kid you not. Nothing anywhere looks like this map. It is a radical and totally original design and I am awed and humbled by it. Even if it turns out to be a nightmare to play in, it's at very least a hell of a nice experiement.

Arctos' Chaos Zone map is up in Witch Doom!! I guess I should check the boards more often. This zone has been around since the Summer and people were too fucking stupid to host it. Now if someone would only bring back Mafia's Speed Zone map. More on Witch Doom when I have a chance to play there.

Wednesday, January 14, 1998

Subspace is dying!

MY ASS it is dying. There are wonderful things happening indeed. More apologies for the infrequent updates. I will update this page in earnest tonight. Right now I just have to say this. Moolie Zone rules. With the possible exception of A Small Warzone it is the best player run zone I have seen thus far. There is also an amazing map out there. Watch this space for details. Oh! And my newest Mr. Savoy!!!! story. All in whenever's new update.
School bullshit is less intense for the moment so watch this page for some new fun stuff..

Saturday, January 10, 1998

Sorry for the infrequent updates

Sorry for the infrequent updates continuing. I'm still doing a better job than everyone else. ;)

I finally got into A Small Warzone last night. I had given up because I was getting that weird offer to update my version of Subspace whenever I tried to enter the zone. This is a great zone! I believe it is run off of a modem, and hence only 10 players in the game at once. The map is very similar to the idea I was toying around with, for a small two team flag game in a tiny map. This is a *very* tiny map and probably the best design for such a game. The bases are all original and all pretty small; most are simple yet well designed. This is an incredibly fun zone to play in and I found myself spending an hour in there just as I was about to go to bed. One of the most impressive aspects of it is the ship settings. Most of the ships are severely crippled in one way or another, forcing specialization of jobs. For instance, the Terrier has almost no speed or thrust, making is a good defense ship but with a feeling of being a big, heavy piece of equipment that must slowly be moved around. There are only five flags, and the games tend to run about twenty minutes. Mote on this zone as I play there more and perhaps have a chance to talk with the owner, who is intent on either moving the zone to a higher bandwidth server or taking it down.

I visited k.g.b. Zone, whose owner Xirphoid assured me weakly that the obvious swastika design near the center of the map--with his name in the middle of it is no less, Quakesque font and all--was "a pinwheel design". He kind of avoided the question. Why do I see a BIG can of worms here? More on this as it develops.

Sunday, January 4, 1998

Upcoming: Anarchy

Upcoming: Anarchy

Happy New Year!

Well I'm back from vacation. I guess I probably should have left a message here about my departure but I was in a hurry, didn't prepare quickly enough, and in the end only had time to update my hub page. Oh well. I'd have updated sooner, as I did get home on New Year's Eve, but there is a lot going on and I've been slowly updating my pages, testing my map out, trying to get it hosted, stuff like that. January 2-5 is islandFestival, the Cafe Eblana's national holiday or something. Go take a look at Ashen's rad page and see what we are all about. With luck I will have a completed Cafe Eblana FAQ on Monday for your pleasure and bafflement, or join us on at #eblana where I am known simply as e.

My map is completed. I may tweak a few things but not until I can get it running on a good server so I can test the dynamic I may or may not want with a good number of people. The image of the completed map is now in the Mapmaking section, or find both the image and the actual map on Ashen's islandFestival 98 pages, as linked above.

I've applied in earnest noe for membership in the MMG and am awaiting a response. Frankly, I was given a lukewarm and weird response and I suspect I have less than a 50% chance of getting in, but maybe I will get lucky. I'm now at work on a War Zone map and will continue to make maps whether I get in or not. Shrug. The map was actually close to complete for a long time but required a lot of tiling. Tiling is fun. In some ways I have to disagree with Mixman's assertion that a map should be designed without tiling in mind, because tiling is a creative endeavor. Problems arise and you are forced to change map details. It *is* important for a map to have a look to it. I prefer a mixture of abstract nonsense and recognizable shapes. I don't think recognizable *objects* like castles and honeycombs are necessary although in moderation they are nice, mainly because they act as handy landmarks. "I'm in the pipe southwest of the castle" and so forth. At any rate, feel free to download and use the map as long as you don't make any changes to it. Please do not excerpt from it a la The Dark Zone.

Speaking of The Dark Zone, take a look at Planet Woggo when you get the chance. This guy has the nerve to steal 90% of his bases and incorporate them into a patchwork, then call it "my own map and everything". Oh, and be sure to check out the "balanced ships" during your probably short stay.

Look for updates of the Opinion and Playlist sections today. I have dismantled some of Rincewind's Strategy Guide because I needed the space for some mp3s I made for Island Festival. (Beautiful, beatless ambient pieces, the absolute top of the form in my opinion. Check my mp3 page for those.) I may put the Guide back up, but know that it is back up at Warzone. Rincewind says he is again taking responsibility for it. So far this has not amounted to anything but hopefully it will. For the meantime, I still have the screenshots and opinion pieces from his old page here.

Oh yeah! The new issue of SubScene is out. SubScene kicks ass. Go read it.