Monday, June 5, 2000


<ebim|afk> i'm bored so i'm making wall paper

She says no no no no harm will come your way
She says bring it on down, bring on the wave
She says: nobody done no harm
Grace of God and raise your arms
She says: face it and it's a place to stay

This, this is the way it was
This, this is the way it is
When the water come rushing, rushing in

First of all, I want to congratulate Lord Tsura and T3 The Gauntlet on entry into the SSC. It was a long time coming and well earned. It's unfortunate that, perhaps I'm not well informed, but the appearance is that the zone was brought into the SSC in order to protect it from copy zones which have sprouted up since the real mccoy ran into server troubles. This isn't a good enough reason. The Gauntlet belongs on iNET billing because of its dedication to an old form of zone that is nearly dead, and its long life through variety and community and, last time I was there, hands down the best damn super zone map ever made. I am pleased and proud to have these guys finally on iNET billing.

Not too much else going on. All the Half-Life stuff was delayed yet again, as you likely know all too well if the subject interests you in the slightest. I don't really much care, though, because when it does come we're going to have the most fun in the history of first person shooters. New netcode, new TFC variants, new Counter-Strike, brand new CTF game for Opposing Force, and an upgrade to Worldcraft that will kick ass if it's half of what it looks. While you're waiting for this monster of an update, grab the current version of Counter-Strike and enjoy the last days of de_fang, a wonderful map that is being retired after a life tragically cut short. Not all of us misunderstood you, O grand detonation map. You will be remembered with honor and fondness long after your critics are but wormshit rotting in the topsoil.

Speaking of first person shooters, I've been doing a decent job at keeping Map Vault up to speed, I think. It's all mappy and stuff now, have a look. My Half-Life map is looking like it will turn out as a TFC opposing fortresses type deal, by the way. Expect that ready in time for Christmas.

And speaking of ready in time for Christmas, the much hyped thirty-day orgy of programming and other work on HyperSpace is getting underway, as I understand it. We hope. Knock on wood for me, or something. Me, I don't much trust those wood faeries.

Start getting it into your head that you will be present this Saturday at 6pm Eastern time for Sheepy Wonderland V. Write it down on your hand so you won't forget it. I made you fools an interesting new map for the occasion this last weekend, and enough people came that we could have had a great time fighting in it - but you all came at different times. End result: Total partitipants, maybe 30. Greatest number of players present at any one time, 8. Blah.

By the way, if you missed this morning's installment of moon bee's excursions onKCSB, the best radio station in America, you missed a phat playlist which was painstakingly selected and ordered by none other than yours truly, it being the case that mrs. yours truly was feeling grumpy and not up to the task. Anyway, so to helll with you. Listen next week. :P

And I was going to say something else too. Oh yeah, I'm all set to update Radio EMF soon, so keep an eye out for that. (I'll post something more specific here when I actually have done it. For now it's the same 11 songs that have been looping there for the last four months, sorry.)

I guess this has been more of a rambly-update than a mini-update, sorry again.

Anyone know where I can find a Kelly Havel winamp skin?

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