Wednesday, June 7, 2000

vB = faded

<Slurp-{Away}> Did anyone get the ironic social commentary in Starship Troopers?
<Sabre> No, Slurp, I have an IQ of 12.=p

Pain looks great on other people
That's what they're for

vB = faded 
This is just too much.

Here is a guy who, after years of kissing up to everyone he thought he might gain something from (including me, if you can believe that), had finally got pretty much everything he wanted, then went and blew it, admits to knowing he was blowing it, all for his own sick amusement at being needlessly mean to someone who had irritated him mildly. This was over a comment on the InfantryZone boards, someone suggesting that it would be nice for the editing tools to be released once the game goes retail.

vB links tools which are not his to link, private files granted to him by Harmless Games in trust. He links to these in order to tease this person, because after downloading these files this person will find, to his disappointment, that he can't use the editor without library files which are missing. Needless to say, this is hilarious.

I have to wonder if it is a coincidence that the post was removed only after I suggested that perhaps we might assume vB was the individual who leaked the full map editor back in February. I suppose I'll just have to wonder about that part.

So now here is Scrum, crying about it on 8025 like this is some unfortunate tragedy, as if no one was to blame, as if vB didn't have it coming.vB did a lot for the community, and we respect him for that. But, as the time passed his friendship with Yankee grew worse and as they started to fight there needed to be a solution. The banning of VectorBoy will be remembered throughout Infantry history. The Infantry community will miss you in your absence. Good luck to whatever projects become your fancy in the future.Players are not to be teased, like stupid pets, by developers. This was an unbelievably low thing for vB to do, and you are beneath contempt for defending him and for taking a neutral tone towards his actions. I hasten to point out that Scrum made a special trip to 8025--for the first time this month, actually--to whine about the banning of vB. As if VectorBoy had DIED. Oh woe is us, for today we have lost a respected member of the community. Blah, blah.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

And now we have Captain Harloch. A class act always, who need never be ashamed of himself--but wrong also.  Personally the thought of tearing down a zone that he contributed to for the sake of simply tearing it down as part of a tantrum is appalling and he should be thinking of the IHZ players, the Harmless Staff, the future of the zone and most of all his co-creator, 4U2NV when making his decision to take the zone down.Now see, no one forced 4U2NV to work with VectorBoy. No one grabbed him by the throat and told him that his life was forfeit unless he began thinking of Infantry HZ as the inevitable next step in the evolution of Hockey Zone. No one decided for him that it would not be a conscious choice which he could make voluntarily. Most importantly, no one ever forbade him to consider the character of the individuals he would be working with.

I like and respect 4U2NV, but he shouldn't have given the time of day to Harmless Games after learning that they had started a discussion about HZ without him, that development of the zone would not be conditional to his blessing. Certainly it was gracious of them to include him in the equation, but that equation should have started with a request for permission, not an invitation to a VectorBoy-inspired coup of a Subspace zone.

It doesn't matter if vB does the deed out of spite or Harmless does it as punishment--if Infantry HZ is shut down, it will have been bad karma either way. That such a closure might be unfortunate makes the act neither more wrong nor more unwise.

My $0.02 if I still have that in my account? Turn it over to whoever in HZ administration most strongly objected to working with vB.

How to catch a spider 
I have become an expert in catching spiders. Not Spiders, as in Subspace's only legitcloaking vessel, but those kooky, underappreciated, eight-legged fools we know from real life. Well I was going to tell you how to catch them, and where to put them once you catch them, and also when it is okay to kill them instead of being a man and capturing them then releasing them into the wild. (Hint: rarely.)

Anyway, I'm tired and Infantry has put me in a piss poor mood again, so it will have to wait, but I'll say this much.

Be careful opening and closing gates, especially the metal chain-link kind with the noisy things that slam down. Spiders will obey you if you give them clear instructions, but aside from that they are pretty stupid, and they will often loiter near the loud metal fastener things, whose name presently escapes me, until a careless act by a big lumbering monster such as yourself causes them to be crushed by the moving parts in question. Anyway, so always look around for spiders when opening and closing these things. Especially do this after you have already opened the gate, because sometimes the poor creatures become alarmed at having their gate opened, and in their panic will dangle down from what was a perfectly safe position, so that they are then swinging around a dangerous part of the gate. If you see them doing this, the nice thing to do is either catch their web on your finger (at a safe distance so they don't have time to climb up and bite you--remember, spiders are quite stupid), and hook it over a safe area where they won't drop down again--or, if you are frightened of a tiny little animal which contains barely enough poison to anaesthetize a moth, simply swing the gate around until they have the sense to grab back on. Remember, people have souls and legacies and obituaries and all that good stuff, but spiders have only their eight legs and tiny head to bring them small pleasures in an otherwise meaningless existence, and even then they don't live very long, so try and be considerate of them.

That's all I have to say on spiders so far. Manifesto to come.

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